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What is NewPipe?

NewPipe is a privacy-friendly Android app for watching videos and listening to music from sites like YouTube. Its features include:

Screenshots of NewPipe

Installing F-Droid

In order to install NewPipe you must have the F-Droid app. Please follow these instructions if you do not already have it.

Installing NewPipe

From F-Droid

NewPipe can be installed from F-Droid like other apps. This link should take you to the appropriate page in F-Droid.

Using NewPipe’s F-Droid Repository

NewPipe’s F-Droid repository allows updates to NewPipe to be available sooner than on the default F-Droid repository. This is also useful if you are having issues with the default version of NewPipe. The official instructions explain how to do this.


NewPipe Homepage

NewPipe Frequently Asked Questions (press Show all)